Monday, August 1, 2011

Cute Anime Guys

What is it with the anime world? They always get the most adorable guys ever--something that the real world (our world) has yet to manage. I'll admit it, we do have that occasional hunky/spiffy/dimple-faced guy, however you call your ideal attractive dude, but if you're an anime lover like me, or have even seen some anime where you fawned over some boy in it, you'd agree that we can't get em like that.

Kazehaya, Shouta  = Kimi Ni Todoke

Have you ever seen him when he blushed, or looked all embaressed? KAWAII! (Me screaming out cuteness obscenities). I mean, he's so sincere, and has such a big heart! Sawako (his love interest in the anime) is so lucky to have a guy like him. I mean, sure he has that boyish side where he's surrounded by all the guys in class and would most likely act like any other guy and talk about girls in a demeaning kind of way, except he doesn't do that. He's got that big smile that could warm any heart and would embrace girls who were crying instead of pushing them away and looking awkwardly to the other side of the girl drama. He actually tries to help. I can picture him in a pink apron with a floral design holding a spatula or ladle in a kitchen, trying to whip up some kind of meal and failing in a way only guys can (by blowing up something). Hehe. He'd still be cute with burned cheeks and hairs sticking up like a mad scientist’s.

Shimizu, Keiichi = La Corda d’Oro

I so, so, SO wish that this boy was my little brother. Shimizu is usually sleeping around for active people who are in a daze to stumble over him, but who wouldn’t immediately be alright after seeing such a beautiful boy looking right at you? He looks like an angel. I can really picture thirteen feet of wingspan sprouting from his back. You gotta give Kahoko props for stumbling (literally stumbling) upon this guy. And, well, all the other guys in La Corda d’Oro. It’s like it’s raining attractive men up in there. Oh, and plus, they’re all musicians (Shimizu is a cellist—my fourth favorite instrument!). Who doesn’t love musicians? They can play to you in parks in front of crowds, and even though it’s an insanely corny and embarrassing act, it’s also undeniably sweet. XD


Hihara, Kazuki = La Corda d’Oro

Another La Corda d’Oro guy. This one’s energetic and fun and can rouse people up to do something, well, energetic and fun. In a way he reminds me of Kazehaya, because they’re both usually all smiles and having a good time (and looks incredibly cute when embarrassed and scratching the back of their heads). I think of him as a little boy, because he never seems to tire out. He also plays the trumpet, and you know what they say about them brass instrument guys… if you haven’t heard, I guess it means that they kiss well. ‘Cause they’re always using their mouths to play their instruments. Practice I guess. So. Yeah. *awkward silence* But, yeah. If you want to see a reverse harem with a ton of attractive guys, La Corda d’Oro is what you should turn to. Highly recommended. Especially for music lovers.

Kiryu, Zero = Vampire Knight

All I really know about this guy is that he’s mysterious, devilishly handsome, and single. Look at that face. What else do you really need to know to go after him? Come on now.


Hitachiin, Kaoru = Ouran High School Host Club

Kaoru here is a twin, but because I dislike it how people usually group together twins and never really give each their own specific identity, I’d like to hone in on the younger twin and give a description from there: very mischievous, very slick, very sly. He can get away with most pranks he does—except people usually do end up blaming him and his brother in the end for everything that goes amiss. Who can blame em? It’s usually his fault, anyways. He’s got that bad boy quality to him, but I think it’d be safer to say that he’s just a little boy who loves getting into trouble, and would continue doing so despite any amount of lectures that he gets and band aids he has to apply. Being around him can be frustrating, I suppose, especially if you’re a girl that he dislikes. He’s got a top fashion designer for a Mother and therefore knows the ins and outs and rights and wrongs of style. He can cut you down faster than any foreigner can list the ways of the imperfectness of American culture.


(Last Name Unknown), Zuko = Avatar the Last Airbender (yes, it counts as an anime)

Oh, Zuko... I intentionally chose pictures that suited his cuter side than his more common grouchy expression of "Must-Hunt-Avatar-and-Regain-Honour" inner bitterness... over the seasons I think he's gotten a lot better looking. His ponytail suited his old self (the dedicated to regaining honour self), his hair after he cut off his ponytail looked plain awkward, and finally, once he grew out his short hair so that it looked touseled and hung down on his forehead, well, ding ding ding! We have a winner. I've only recently uncovered just how cute Zuko could be (especially during that episode where he finally decided to join Aang's group and teach him firebending, and decided to practice alone in the woods about what he was going to say to them... :D). His agressiveness is now more comical than intimidating, and his outbursts of irritation are actually endearing. And he totally rocks that scar, by the way.

So there you go. Some of the guys of the anime world that I deem cute. How I wish that I could actually meet a guy that’s like one of them! Hehe… *dreamy sigh*

My Coming Out

This is not a coming out of being gay, just for clarification. I am not gay. Even if I was, it would most certainly not be the buisness of whomever comes across this page. This is a coming out as a blog obsessor (not a word, but it fits). So whatever is in this blog isn't neccesarily important, but why not write it? "Why not?", to me, is a question that brings spontaneity and eccentricity in the world. Art. And I can't guarantee that what I'll post will be considered "art", in fact it may be far from it, but hey, why not? We've got freedom of speech in America, and all that... so yeah. Here I go.